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Tuesday, 12th October 2021


Attention please the following programme AEP (that’s Artist’s English Practice) from 5 to 6:30 pm is rated M for mature students because this programme is for, all those who are in love, and for those who can remember.


Greetings, it’s so nice to be with you again underneath October skies. 


This is yours truly, Hanako and Efrat, inviting you to to our very first AEP lesson of this semester. 

I think it’s time I revealed why I’m using “I Can’t Get Started” as our theme song, because I think it should’ve been “I Can’t Get Stopped”.The reason was I thought it would be wonderful to have a fanfare to begin our lesson. I hope this will make you snap out whatever you’re doing right here right now, and switch channels to “English Mode”. 


“I Can’t Get Started” is a recording by Bunny Berigan and His Orchestra made in 1937, the longest fanfare I’d ever heard, in fact I timed it: it’s 41 seconds long. 

The lyrics in this song list the accomplishments of the performer, which sadly, have little effect on their love interest. 


“I’ve flown around the world in a plane, settled revolutions in Spain, the North Pole I have Charted but I can’t get started with you” 


In today’s lesson, we shall get started by listing our most memorable moments from a brighter summer day on this not so bright autumn day. 


We shall be waiting for you, at seven-oh-two. 

Tuesday, 19th October 2021


Greetings, nice to be with you again!


Today’s recording is “Bluesette”, a jazz waltz composed in 1961 by Toots Thielemans, a terrific whistler. He was a Belgian harmonica (or I prefer saying “mouth organ”) player famous for performing the closing theme for Sesame Street, if any o you remember.


This song really caught my ear during the holidays, and it sure did seem to me like an everlasting one. I’ve been itching to play this for you all summer long. But now that we’re already three weeks into the semester, it’s time to brace yourselves for AEP (Artist’s English Practice) with yours truly Hanako and Efrat. 


We guarantee that AEP is a comfortable space to talk in English. We welcome all levels of English ability! And I must say, being the most nervous English supervisor in history (my hands are shaking this very moment), I have just as much to learn from you — so your attendance will be much appreciated. 


Our starting time has been shifted to 6PM. Evening always brings out my jazzy tunes, after all, what better way to wrap up the day with a bouncy bluesy beat? Live it up, dudes and dudettes, you’re listening to bluesette on this Tuesday evening!

Tuesday, 26th October 2021 


Greetings! Nice to be with you again and what a luxury it is to be spending time with you.


 What you’re hearing right now is “E Luxo So” — “It’s Only Luxury”, brought to you by Stan Getz on sax and Charlie Byrd on guitar. A recording from the famous 1962 Jazz Samba LP, which is regarded as the first exposure most North Americans had to the Bossa Nova sound. 


Just like this bouncy Bossa beat, we bounce around all sorts of places during AEP (Artists’ English Practice). Our topics range from daily observations, to hidden gems in our hometowns, to favourite childhood treat, to film directors who died in a veil of mystery etc. etc. 


This week, we shall be sharing about the things that surround us in our rooms, whether it be a bookshelf tour, or describing the objects lying on the floor. What better way to catch a glimpse of who you are, for your room says a lot about your personal habits. In other words, we’re being nosey. 


Well….all that aside, this is yours truly, Hanako and Efrat, inviting you to yet another AEP from 6 - 7pm at Studio 702. 


Speaking to you on a chilly Autumn Tuesday, with thoughts of Summer, palm trees, and sambas. What a Luxury!

Tuesday, 2nd November 2021


Greetings! Nice to be with you again. 


This is yours truly, Hanako Kudlic inviting you to AEP (Artists English Practice) from 6 to 7 pm at studio 702. 


I have to say with great sorrow that my teaching partner Efrat is absent. Hence the tune of the day — Erroll Garner’s rippling rendition of “When We’re Alone” also known as  “Penthouse Serenade”. 


I was thinking about the fact that music can take you wherever you want to go...

...and then you wind up following the music to where you’re going…and so I listen to this tune every so often with hopes of wandering off into a penthouse,


when in fact I haven’t stepped an inch out of my dormitory room. 


Speaking of rooms, for the past couple of weeks, we have been discussing the things in our rooms, our personal space, an extension of ourselves as a matter of fact. 


What’s the aim of this activity? You may ask.


Well, personal habits are the gateway to getting to know someone. Feel free to come and talk! It can be anything from cupboards, bookshelves, refrigerators to that one place you keep unkept. 


Speaking to you on the first Tuesday evening of the month of November. The beat goes on. 

Tuesday, 9th November 2021


Greetings nice to be with you again! It’s Tuesday evening, going on 6 o’ clock…


I hope you know what this means by now, for we’re just about mid-way through the semester. Yes, it’s AEP (Artist’s English Practice) held by yours truly, Hanako and Efrat 


— who’s back in the house after a week of absence! 


She’ll be presenting something very special tonight, so please, come and join us, brace yourselves, for another lesson of — pardon my persistence — AEP!


While I did say that half the semester is gone, we’re still open to new students. In fact I’m overjoyed and shaking in my socks in sandals to announce that we’ve been seeing some new faces these past few weeks! So, bear with me, groovy girls and guys, as I use this moment to celebrate, you’re listening to “Saturday Night Fever” on this Tuesday evening…


Thanks for tuning in…

Tuesday, 16th November 2021


Greetings, nice to be with you again. Hope you’re staying warm and cosy, wherever you may be in this building. This is yours truly, Hanako Kudlic, and I am shivering, not because it’s cold, but due to stage fright — or should I say — microphone fright. 


I have to say, with much sorrow, that my teaching partner Efrat may not be part of today’s AEP (that’s Artist’s English Practice), so I am on my own, in the dark…. 


actually, not quite… AEP consists of a small but strong group of enthusiastic students and I am grateful to say that we always have something to discuss, solely in English. So, I shall give you two options:


One: drop everything and head over to studio 702, and join us for AEP from 6pm.

Two: it’s exhibition season here in Geidai, there are a few going on, one of which is organised by my studio, in fact, so if you’re up for it, please visit one of them! 


Playing you “ÅŒno YÅ«ji’s Love Ballad” on this chilly Tuesday evening! Thank you for tuning in! 

Tuesday, 30th November 2021 


Greetings! Nice to be with you again on this Tuesday evening. 


It’s been two weeks since our last AEP —Artists’ English Practice. And I’ve gotta say, I was looking for some songs about November, this being the last day of November, it doesn’t feature very well in songs, unlike the moon in June on a great big spoon etc. 


So instead, let us mark the end of the eleventh month with Al Hibbler’s “Eleventh Hour Melody” — a rather saccharine sweet serenade from 1956. 


In tonight’s AEP, we shall be be discussing educational systems around the world. What are its strengths and weaknesses? What is your earliest memory of school? What makes a good teacher? How do you feel about exams? What’s your learning style? What’s the difference between a child and an adult? 

In fact I’d like to know the answer to this one myself. 


It’s broad topic indeed, but we’re looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences!


Doors are open until 7PM. We shall be waiting for you at Studio 702.

Tuesday, 7th December 2021


Greetings! Nice to be with you again on the first Tuesday evening of December. The busiest time of year for most students, I believe. Hope you’re all doing well. As for me, the kitsch holiday jingles blasting in just about every store I step into are wearing me down to my bones… So for this week, I’ve chosen what I thought would be “the alternative tune” to spread the holiday cheer, “Chansons D Amour” — performed by Manhattan Transfer, a group of very classy musicians indeed. 


Sure I admit this is also kind of kitsch, but the beat, lyrics and vibes evoke cozy rooms, family feasts and holidays in spa towns. Or am I only the one that feels this way? Drop in to studio 702 to have your say. Join us for yet another AEP (Artists English Practice) 


This week, we’re discussing educational systems around the world. You may be wondering, “Wasn’t that last week’s topic?” 


Well, last week, the lesson took many twists and turns. 


We ended up talking about rakugo and “ma”, a concept of time and space….That’s AEP alright, your weekly dose of delightful digressions. 


Doors are open until 7 pm. Drop in whenever you wish! A friend of mine pointed out way back when that “Drop in” was “such an ancient phrase”, but that’s another story…

Tuesday, 14th December 2021


Greetings, nice to be with you again on this Tuesday evening. It’s chillin’ down below ten degrees outside, so I thought I’d warm up the building with a Latin American breeze — brought to you tonight by Luiz Bonfa plucking away the luscious chords of “Sea Wall” a recording from 1963, a time when Bossa Nova was new to the rest of the world. 


This is yours truly, Hanako and Efrat, inviting you to our second last AEP (Artist English Practice) lesson of the year! 


We’ve been discussing educational systems the past couple of weeks, a broad topic indeed. Last week, Efrat shared with us her story of growing up in Israel and America.


 Tonight, I shall briefly talk about my experience of going back and forth between Australia and Japan before handing over the mic to you. Being a nosey person, I cannot wait to hear your experience and opinions too.


So if education is your topic of interest or concern (I do hope this applies to most of us), join us for AEP in studio 702 between 6 - 7pm.


Feel the beat, coming from my phone speakers in my trembling hand, they really make the sound move and groove…

Tueday, 21st December 2021


Greetings, nice to be you again! This is yours truly, Hanako and Efrat inviting you to what may or may not be the final AEP (Artist’s English Practice) lesson of the year. We’ll try to squeeze in a final get-together next week, but I can imagine that some of you will be on holiday by then, if not preparing for an upcoming exhibition in January. 


And so, for now, I shall close this programme with “Goodnight Sweetheart” a big hit for Al Bowlly and the Ray Noble Orchestra in 1931. This was the sign-off melody to a radio show I used to listen to on Saturday evenings — a music programme packed with forgotten gems from way back when —  so please, forgive my self-indulgence and enjoy this saccharine sweet serenade, and do remember that “Life is Good” with a handful of tinkering piano riffs on a chilly Tuesday evening… 


Thank you to all of you who have stuck around this year, we do hope you gained something along the way, if not, well, I guess that’s something to think about next year. 


Goodnight sweetheart, and thank you for listening. 

Tuesday, 28th December 2021


Hidey-Hodey-Every-Bowdy! Nice to be with you again on this final Tuesday evening of the year. 


This is yours truly, about to hang up the headphones and sign off for this year. But, before I do just that, bear with me as I deliver some exciting news. By popular demand, an encore lesson of AEP (that’s Artists’ English Practice) will take place once and for all at studio 702 — between 5 thirty to 7pm. 


Yes we’re revvin’ till seven tonight — we’re screening Tim Burton’s “The Nightmare Before Christmas”, which was in fact a request from a very enthusiastic student of ours. A ray of sunshine, indeed. 


Thank you once again to all the diligent students who stuck around with us this year.

Join us, one last time….we shall be overjoyed to see your faces! 


Oh and speaking of joy, let us wrap up the semester with “Bye Bye Baby”, a 1959 recording by Col Joye, an Australian legend who’s still going strong today at the age of 84. 


For those of you who cannot make it tonight, stay warm, stay safe. 

Bye Bye 2021, Bye Bye Baby, and thank you for listening! 

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