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Open Call for Storytellers


Between 1999 to 2001, American novelist Paul Auster invited listeners of radio to submit stories (brief, true and close to the bone) to be read on-air. His programme broadcast a wide range of stories; from issues still facing America today, such as racism, gun violence and war, to trivial everyday events and nonsensical sketches.


Inspired by this project, we are collecting stories — told in the tone of your voice — that you would like to share and preserve in writing.


Selected stories will be published on our official website. We will explore what emerges when multiple stories, indistinguishable whether they are real or fictional, come together.

Themes (examples): 

happiness / sadness / anger / laughter / forgetting / the most painful memory / the oldest memory / fear / death / food / objects / love / gifts / family / strangers / war / travel / work / school / dreams.....


​Status: Ongoing

Length: up to 1500 words (approx.)

How to Enter: Submit your story via the web form on our official website


Project Organiser: Hanako Kudlic

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